- Wide grip lat pulldown 3 sets of 180/15, 200/12, 220/10 Then going to drop set of 240/7, 200/8, 170/8 reps
- Hammer strength Single arm low Rows - Five super sets of each side 45/10, 90/10, 135/10, 180/10, 225/7*
- Superset that exercise with Hammer strength Two arm hi Rows - Five sets of 190 lbs for 10 reps
- Finished back with Four different grips of pull-ups For a total of 40 reps.
- Hammer strength preacher curls - Five sets of 12 to 15 reps Thumbs behind bar to focus on biceps
- Machine peak curls - Five sets of 10 reps
- Single arm overhead rope extensions - Four sets of 10 reps One drop set of 100/8, 80/8, 60/8
- Rope push downs Five sets of 10 reps
- Super set with overhead tricep extension machine - Five sets of 10 reps Went up to the entire stack Of 300 pounds