Did 5 supersets of 12-15 reps with kneeling rope pullins and close grip Pulldowns increasing weight each round.
Did 5 supersets of 20 reps with
TK star wide Pulldowns and high rope row ins.
Then went to low Machine rows
1 warmup set and 1 drop set of 10,10, 10, 10, 10 reps
That gave us 25 sets of back.
Then did biceps with TEAM RTN ATHLETES Marisa Savino, Joelle Colon and Justin Coale. Here is what we did:
It was only 4 sets but high intensity sets with full and partial reps. Here is the breakdown of how we did the sets:
1. 1 full rep and 1 half rep up to 10 reps
2. 1 full rep and multiples up to 7 half reps.
3. 1 half rep and multiples up to 7 full reps.
4. Killer set of multiple of full and half from 1 to 7 reps giving a total of 56 reps for this set.
Back and bi's were fried.
Jerry went over posing with Team and trained there abs at the end. We will do this again soon and post in advance.