Did a circuit of 3 exercises for 15 reps each set 2 rounds
- Front Pulldowns
- Bent Low Pulley cable rows
- Seated rows with rotation
- Med grip 10 reps with 5 sec neg.
- Close grip 10 reps w/ 5 sec neg.
- wide grip 5 reps hold head to top for 5 seconds on each rep
- Alternate Bent rows/deadlifts 135/10 each
- Prone dumbbell rows 60/12 reps
- Cross cable Pulldowns 40/15 reps
- All we did is one exercise
- Standing barbell curls 95/10 reps no rocking and negatives
- 115/10 reps same way
- 135/2 reps all biceps no rocking and slow negatives