Here are some pictures from the IFBB Kentucky. Meet a lot of great IFBB Pro's this weekend and there were 20 of us in the show. I wore blue trunks in the prejudging and red trunks at night show the following day because I wanted to compare my prejudging pictures to my next day night show pictures. Unfortunately pics came out a little dark with shadows at prejudging which didn't display my physique at its best. There haven't been night show pics posted professionally yet. We didn't get to do are routine the following day at night but there might be a few stage shots up soon. Had a great time and felt I brought my best package to date in this show. Look forward improving myself for next year. Congrats to all the IFBB Pro's and NPC Competitor's this weekend for all your hard work & dedication.
My 2 cheerleaders wife Danielle Vecchione-Tuma and daughter Savannah wearing TEAM RTN outfits by Forward Uprising. They look great! I'm wearing custom made jacket and pants with TEAM RTN and my name on it by @forwarduprising